Life Coaching

Coaching is a developmental method, not a cure or therapy. It does not deal with the past, it builds the future by focusing on the present. It promotes happiness and balance in all aspects of one's life. It provides a more harmonious everyday life and a better quality of life. Coaching can help you to recreate yourself, your life and have a positive impact on the world around you. One of the best investments you can make to achieve a successful life is to use coaching.

The Work of Life Coach

By asking questions, it helps to find the real dilemma and to set a goal for which the client is willing to work. The coach and client together map the needs and plan the path to the goal. The Life Coach supports the client in achieving the goals by creating a safe and harmonious atmosphere during the sessions, acting as a "personal coach". At all times, the coach motivates the client to find as many alternatives as possible to make the best decision for him/her, and supports him/her in making the change he/she has made sustainable. He helps you to overcome the obstacles to a more joyful and balanced life.

Are you feeling…


…about not living up to your full potential and seeing the same patterns repeating. You might be aware of these patterns, but you don’t have the tools to overcome the (yet).


That your innen critic has token center stage telling you that you’re “not enough” or deserving of your desires. You’re tied of falling into perfectionist patterns, feeling the neked to please others and constantly measure up.


You’re in a perpetual cycle of change/no change. You don’t know how to break this cycle and you’re unclear on your next steps.


…because you isolate instead of reaching out for help.

Regain control of your life

I will help you…

Boost your energy and find fulfilment
Find purpose and direction
Set realistic goals
Gain clarity and become self aware

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